S – T – R – E – T – C – H!

S – T – R – E – T – C – H!

Do you have a lot of books around that you’ve been meaning to read or perhaps some books that you want to read again? Well, here’s an idea that may help you. How about setting a stopwatch to read one of those books at least 15 minutes or 30 minutes a day....
And We Know…

And We Know…

AND WE KNOW that in all things GOD works for the GOOD of those who LOVE him, who have been called according to his PURPOSE. -Romans 8:28


Many have shunned away from the Book of Revelation … for one reason or another. Nevertheless, God has included the Revelation in His sacred Word and it is our responsibility to read and to study it; knowing that He has graciously provided His Spirit to lead and...
Waiting On God

Waiting On God

It is doubtful if anyone goes through a day without “waiting” on something … whether it’s waiting for the light to change or waiting in line at the checkout stand, all of us have to wait. But, have you ever meditated and studied what it means...