The premier session of the God’s Word, Alive … and “Making it Plain!” series, held at the Baxter Arena in Omaha, Nebraska,  was truly blessed!  Special thanks to all who participated and to all who had a part to play in its success!  The topic of study was “The Eternal Security of the Believer” (Once Saved-Always Saved).  We saw how salvation is a Divine work and that each Person of the Godhead has a role to play in its execution.  Then we compared the Divine aspect of salvation with the human aspect — the “two sides” of the coin (so-to-speak).  Also, we studied the different classifications of Believers – weak and strong; babes and mature; carnal and spiritual … and also “backsliders,” but born-of-God nonetheless.  After that, we looked at passages in Scripture that reveal that there are “pretenders and deceivers” among us.  Those who appear to be saved, but, in reality they are not.  And, finally we looked at some of the many wonderful and glorious things that happen at the moment of salvation.  (Click here or go to to find the handouts for this session.)