The Word of God

lives and abides forever

1 Peter 1:23


“God’s Word, Alive!” believes that there is One True and Living God who is eternally existent in Three Persons and is worthy of all glory, honor and praise.”


The First Person of the Godhead – Is holy and just; all powerful, all-knowing and omnipresent. He is the creator of all and sovereign over all. He is perfect in all His ways and is working all things together for His own glory. The Bible reveals the wrath of God against all forms of sin. But, as the God of grace, He offers salvation to all who place faith in His Son.


The Second Person of the Godhead – The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God; worthy of glory, honor and praise. In His incarnation He became Man, without ceasing to be God, that sinful man might be redeemed. He accomplished this work through His death. Jesus Christ was born of a virgin; lived a sinless life; died on the cross for sin; was resurrected on the third day and is alive forevermore! He has ascended to the right hand of His Father and He will gloriously return again to this earth to establish His kingdom.


The Third Person of the Godhead – The Holy Spirit is in the world convicting it of sin. He quickens and gives divine life to those who repent of their sins and place faith in Jesus Christ. He indwells the Believer at the moment of salvation and baptizes them into the Body of Christ. It is the Spirit who seals and abides within the Believer until the day of redemption. As the Comforter, He helps the Believer in prayer and daily living. He is the source of spiritual fruit and imparts spiritual gifts. The Spirit indwells, fills and controls those who yield to Him.

The Bible

This ministry believes that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and that men led by the Holy Spirit were used by God to write them. The great theme of the Bible is redemption.   The Bible is to be honored, read, believed and obeyed.   It expresses the will, ways and wisdom of God; the heart of mankind; the wiles of the enemy.   It is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.


Man was created by God; in His image and in His likeness.  Through man’s disobedience he sinned and became spiritually dead; separated from God.  The only way that man can be reconciled to God is by being born again through repentance towards sin and faith in Jesus Christ.


Salvation is a gift from God.  It cannot be earned by human works or by good deeds, but is freely given to those who have faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins.  Once a person is truly born again, they are eternally secure from the wrath of God, and from everlasting damnation.

Christian Responsibility

Each person who is born again is called into a personal and intimate relationship with God.  The Believer is to continually strive, through the power of the Spirit of God, to love God and to obey Him.  The individual Believer is to commune regularly with God through prayer and through the study of His Word.


“God’s Word, Alive!” is committed to proclaiming the Word of God in a clear, concise and systematic manner. The ministry seeks to make the teaching practical for everyday living with the result being people coming into an understanding of God’s plan for their lives.

This ministry exists because of the amazing grace of God.   It is offered to Him as an act of worship and for His eternal glory.


"God's Word, Alive!" welcomes your prayers and financial support to help the continuing work of this ministry.